donate goods
Donations & Immediate Needs
We are always grateful for your donations! Your food, clothing, and household items help our clients break the cycle of poverty.

Donation Hours
Donations can be dropped off on the following days/times:
Food Donations: Tuesdays – Fridays from 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Clothing & Household Item Donations: Wednesdays – Fridays from 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
266 N. Broad St.
Mooresville, NC 28115
**Please do not leave donations after hours as items get ruined in the elements.
immediate needs
Peanut Butter
Canned Meat
tuna fish
canned fruit
dry pasta
pasta sauce
fresh produce
Items can be shipped to: The Christian Mission, 266 N. Broad St., Mooresville, NC 28115

Donation Guidelines
Our clients love your gently-used donations.
Our first priority is to provide our clients with free clothing, shoes, and household items to help them get ahead. The money they save can be applied to bills and other expenses to help stretch their limited budgets.
Because of the overwhelmingly large supply of donations that our generous community gives, we also use specific donations at the Give Back Boutique and Value Clothing, Inc. The income generated through these efforts provides direct program support and funds to keep our lights on.
Rest assured, every item donated to The Christian Mission is used for the good of our community.
Please see below for donation tips and how we use the donations you provide.
Donation tips
It takes our staff and volunteers a lot of time to sort through and stage donated items. The following tips help us out tremendously:
- Please only donate gently used items (free of holes, stains, and pet hair).
- Click HERE to see a list of items we cannot take.
- Presort your items if possible (clothing, shoes, household, etc.)
- Drop off times are Wednesday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Please do not drop off items when we are closed. Items get ruined when they sit in our parking lot overnight.
How we use your donations
Resource Store:
Our Resource Store, located at 266 N. Broad Street, is our top priority. It offers items like clothing, shoes, and household items to help our clients get ahead.
All items in the Resource Store are free to our clients, and they have access to them each month.
Many of our clients live in small apartments and cannot use large pieces of furniture. Smaller furniture items are placed in the Resource Store.
Give Back Boutique:
Jewelry and high-end items that aren’t a good fit for our Resource Store are given to the Give Back Boutique, which operates under our 501(c)(3).
100% of net proceeds from the Boutique provide funding for The Christian Mission.
You can also consign your clothing at the Boutique! It’s a great way to find new looks at reasonable prices while supporting the great work of the Mission!
Value Clothing Inc.:
Anything left that cannot be used by the other options is sent to help our friends in need overseas.
We proudly support our global neighbors and make good use of each donation that comes through our doors.